Monday, August 16, 2010

And now home... To my other job...

Like many people these days I am a working mom. I tried staying at home and it just wasn't right for me. But now I teach, clean, cook, and whatever else is needed so it feels like the work never ends! Even if I were able to stay at home and keep my sanity, I know that there would still be tons of work around the house that needed to be done. I have finally realized that no matter what you do in life there will always be more that you should have done but didn't have time to do. Someone always works harder, dresses better, is more creative.... It sucks really... There will be no trophy for all involved- just happiness. So this is what i must do... I must live for now and be happy with the quirkiness of my life. It's not perfect, no ones is (no matter how much they want you to perceive it that way).

So grace and I came home, got into our comfy clothes, and she started sorting her laundry while I started my favorite dinner. Now that everyone has eaten, the dishes are rinsed, and the baby is bathed, we will watch the cake show. This has become our nightly ritual, dinner and the cake show. Some days I love my little life, I just need to learn to love it more days than not!

My favorite dinner: porcupine meatballs. :) I have no idea where my mother came up with this recipe but it rocks and no it's not porcupine meat! It's meatballs rolled with rice, then browned and simmered in beef broth. Serve over rice... Comfort meal!


The finished product...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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