Monday, September 16, 2013

Interactive Notebooks and Decorating Cookies...

So, as I have said before - my schedule seems to be forever changing...
A few weeks ago I started going to the middle school and pushing into a 7th grade life science class. 
I fully remember why I teach elementary...
Cells - cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, golgi complex... oy VAY!
They are working on an interactive notebook in the life science class - so I found some things for my beginning English speakers to add to their IN (Interactive Notebook) to help merge their ACCESS level with the classroom content.... They already did a great job of labeling the cell,  discussing the functions,  and coming up with some cute ways to remember the organelle's jobs.
 lysosome... like lysol for the cell...
pro - no (prokaryotic cell doesn't have a nucleus)...
Vacuole - vacuum - stores the extra food and water..
BUT - I downloaded this lovely poster set from Jennifer Findley. I didn't have anywhere to display my posters - so I got a little creative....
I changed my printer settings so that 6 printed to a page, and we used these inside our IN's!
We also studied the plant and animal cells... using her other plant and animal cell unit! :) 

As the culminating activity - the class made cell cookies! How cute are these? The green cookies are the plant cells and the red cookies are the animal cells! I had a great time helping and I loved watching the kids come up with different ways to represent the organelles! 
(But really - who doesn't like cookies!) 

<<< My classroom door.... :) I think I will put a new positive message every month. :) 

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