The last two weeks have been busy.... my heart has been very heavy for two friends.
I'm such a 'fixer'.... It is how I show my love to my friends and family. I give, and I fix.... I am not an eloquent speaker, nor a vivid writer....but I will show up with your favorite things and do whatever I can to help....
A dear friend lost her husband a few days after Christmas. This makes two amazing men {I have known} that have lost their lives as they transitioned into civy life. As a prior military wife - you always prepare for what might happen while your loved one is deployed....but to see someone complete 6, 7, or 8 deployments... knowing that they are SPEC OPS and will be the first ones in, or have the craziest missions... to watch them come home and try to return to a normal life... and then lose them? That friends, is hard to watch... hard to understand... hard to accept. I would like to ask for this amazing family to be in your prayers, thoughts, and hearts. A few friends have set up a fund for the three boys that are left behind. I have donated and plan to continue donating.
I am in the process of creating a classroom bundle with a few other bloggy buddies - all the proceeds will go into the Granger boys' fund. So - please check back if you would like to help this family!
The third stanza of the Ranger Creed states, "Never shall I fail my comrades."
The family left behind - I will not fail - It is my duty to make sure that I do all I am able to help, just as they would if the situation were reversed. It is hard to explain the bond I have with many of these women....we've been through so much in such a short period of time. Although I am not married to my soldier anymore, I will not forget the time that was mislaid, the service that was given, the lives that have been lost...

with a late night trip to Lulu's Chocolate Bar....
I did get chocolate wasted.... :)
There are so many times that I wish I was able to take others' pain and suffering... to make their burden easier to handle. I have not figured out how to make suffering a loss easier, I wish that one day I will be able to help.... but for now - I pray - and do what I can.
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