How is it September already? Where did August go? Wait... Where did July go?
Today I am linking up with Farley for her monthly Currently
Mrs. Willis for her Peek at my Week.
So - Here is my currently :)
Loving -
I had a friend come over and kick my butt motivate me to clean by helping!
What a sport! Can I just tell you how wonderful it is to be in a nearly spotless house?
I am by no means a slob - but when the school year starts - things start to pile up. Well - the piles had piles... and now - I can see my kitchen counter! WOOHOO! (little things...)
Plus - cleaning is always more fun when you have great help!
{We may or may not have had a dance party while cleaning - but that's for another day!}
Thinking -
how many days?
My schedule changed again. Now I am visiting three school a day - 6 segments. I'm not exactly sure how I am going to juggle all this - but I am going to plow ahead. {mostly because, if I stop to think about it - I will most likely have a panic-attack. And there is no time for that.}
So give me a straw - 'cause I'm sucking it up folks.
Wanting -
HELP! Some days I feel like I am not a very effective ESOL teacher.
There - I said it.
I can teach the heckito out of some reading, but some days.... I'd love to observe other teachers and see what they do - what I can add - what I may spend too much time on....
Needing -
a clone. This goes back to my loving comment. It's back to school peeps. I am treading water here - and I'm not doing a great job. By the end of this month I should be on track, but the first two months of school kick my patoot.
<3 p="">
work out.
balance work, kids, motherhood, maybe squeeze a date in there every once in awhile?
{not holding my breath.}
try and smile more - be more positive. I have had a few people tell me that I've been a negative nancy lately. BOO. I do know that if I am not actively trying to smile, I look mad. I'm not - but I appear that way to others. That makes me sad y'all! I am a really nice person IRL. I have friends! I just mean-mug. SO - that is what I will be working on. I downloaded a gratitude journal to my iPhone to try and help begin the 'flow of positivity'. I'll keep you posted.
Anyone else appear mad when they are thinking or just not focused on something?
And - Peek At My Week
Click on the picture to go to a PDF version with clickable links to the resources. :)
Have a great week everyone!
Happy Labor Day!
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