Thursday, November 1, 2012

apps i love... for free

I've been frequenting the app store again... :) I thought I'd share a few of my favorites today. My dd is home sick, so we are currently watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, while lounging on the couch... nice to be at home every once in awhile.

so - back to some apps that I like
One of my favorites - The Opposites by Mindshapes. I paid full price for this app - and it was worth it, but if you can snag it for free... Awesome! This app starts out very easy, and says the word as it tosses it out. My ell kids love playing this one to see how many levels they can climb. My dd also enjoys playing it... there are some difficult matches, but that is a good opportunity to mention them.

The next app I have to share is from National Geographic. I have a few of their apps, so whenever I see a free one, I grab it. It has some pretty awesome little facts in it! I can definitely see using this to spark some writing, or as enrichment! Enjoy!

I hope you enjoy them - which apps are your favorite? Any free ones I need to add to my collection? Thanks :)


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